How I stopped Attracting One-Sided Relationships that Leave Me Feeling Empty

While relationships can be complex, some relationships are more straightforward than others. We often find ourselves in situations that we give more than we receive, whether it is from a friend or romantic partner, a family member, colleague, or even strangers. One-sided relationships are those where one person is able to meet their needs and the other feels neglected and unappreciated. This unhealthy dynamic can cause feelings of resentment and self-doubt, as well as insecurity.

But, even if your relationship is one-sided, that doesn’t mean you should stay there. You can build stronger relationships by getting to know each other better and sharing your thoughts openly. These unfair dynamics can be turned into mutually beneficial relationships by using the right tools!

I wanted to get to know people

I’ve always been curious and always wanted to learn more about people around me. I have always been curious about people, whether it be at school, work, or in public. I can’t resist the urge to talk with strangers and learn from them.

It’s almost as if I’m naturally attracted to people. While some people may find it odd or even scary to approach strangers, I enjoy getting to know them and learning their stories.

I love to learn about people’s backgrounds, hobbies, and even what they like. Understanding someone is about getting to know them and understanding that each interaction can open up new perspectives and opportunities to grow. Everyone has something to offer. All you need to do is reach out to them and ask.

My curiosity was something I considered a weakness rather than a strength growing up. My teachers and coaches warned me not to be too social or talkative. Others saw me as too interested in the lives of others, but I saw it as an opportunity for me to learn more about them. I was extremely empathic and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others. As a child, it was difficult for me to set boundaries. I often took on the emotional responsibility of others while neglecting my own needs. My insatiable curiosity was often overwhelming for my mom, who thought it was intrusive and not a gift. She used to tell me to be quiet and to not bother other people too much. Although she did it out of love, her patience could not keep up with my burning curiosity.


Understanding that curiosity does not equal connection

It took me some time to realize that my curiosity was actually a strength that I could use in order to connect with people meaningfully. In some relationships, however, I noticed something odd. While I was getting to know people better, they were not doing the same for my.

It was only later in my life that I realized that this one-sidedness wasn’t due to me or them. It’s just something that sometimes happens when two people don’t click in their relationship dynamics. Although my mom tried to protect me, it was not a malicious act. Now that I am older, I can look back with gratitude at those moments and understand how it can either help or hurt depending on the situation.


Two-sided relationships can be both rewarding and difficult. Tough because you may be judged or rejected if your true self is out, but rewarding because it’s so rewarding when you’re accepted with open arms. It is deeply satisfying to be able to communicate with someone and know that they are as eager to get to understand you as you are.

There are a few key indicators to look for when you form two-sided relationships. Here are some:

    1. Unconditional acceptance: Both parties are open to accepting each other’s faults and praising their strengths, even when they disagree.
    2. Authenticity: Both parties communicate openly, honestly and authentically with one another.
    3. Empathy is the ability of both parties to understand and empathize with one another’s feelings and emotions.

Mutual understanding is when both sides try to understand each other’s thoughts and perspectives.

    A supportive attitude: Both parties support one another by showing encouragement, understanding, and kindness when necessary.

      Healthy relationships

        The first step to building healthy relationships is to identify unhealthy ones.

          If you are focusing your energy on relationships that are not working, it can be hard to find the time to build new friendships.

            It can be difficult to let go of old friendships but it is necessary to make room for new ones.

              Healthy relationships are not something that happens by accident. They require effort and a focus on the most important things.

                Understanding your needs and communicating them to others clearly will help you build closer relationships and be more honest.

                  These connections show how important we are to our relationships and the behavior we expect of others.

                    Both parties involved in the relationship can then decide if they are able or willing to meet their needs.

                      You will be able to decide if it is worth investing more time in the friendship or if you should withdraw and put more focus on other things.

                        My curiosity, my biggest strength

                          This unique quality has become one of my greatest strengths.

                            To better understand the world and myself, my curiosity has enabled me to make amazing connections with people from all walks.

                              Even though it can be seen as something negative by others, curiosity has become one of my most valuable talents.