Can you find the cat in the photo in less than 10 seconds?

Cats love privacy and are often annoyed by their owners. They love their cats, but why should they care? They love being alone, so they go to places where no one can find them. This allows them to relax all day. Actually, hiding is something cats excel at.



How many times have owners been frantic because their cat isn’t finding them? And then, suddenly, it appears from nowhere. They can be right in front you and hide perfectly behind the background. Chiquinho is a cat that is skilled at blending in.

Alessandra Ribero is proud owner of this adorable feline. Chiquinho was pictured by Ribero. People were confused as they couldn’t find the cat in the photo. You can find Chiquinho with us. Give it a shot.

Don’t panic if you scroll down the text looking for a clue. We’ll give you a hint. Chiquinho is a black cat. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t find her. Chiquinho is no exception to this trait.

Can you spot the cat in this image? If you still have trouble locating her, simply look to the right of the countertop photo. You can’t miss her because of her eyes!

He is there! Chiquihno can be seen clearly, but he is hiding. Alessandra said that he likes to hide and seek but he is also a sweet, cuddly cat.