Beautiful DIY Lace Window Treatment

The internet isn’t just for cats or healthy remedies. You can find many DIY groups and sites that offer simple and great ways to decorate your home. You can make your windows look cute by using lace. Lace can make your home look amazing and block out the sun. Although it can be costly to hire a professional to do this, there are many things you can do yourself.

Here’s a DIY lace window treatment that anyone can make. All you need is lace and some cornstarch. Cornstarch can be used to stick the lace to the glass and make it look magical.

What do you need?

  • Water
  • Cornstarch
  • Lace
  • Scissors
    • Regular brush

    Instructions for Lace Window Treatment

    Before you begin, prepare your lace. Take measurements of your windows and cut out a rectangle of lace. If necessary, straighten the lace and iron it – creasing will make it more difficult to apply.

    Next, make a cornstarch jelly. Combine 2 tablespoons cornstarch and 2 tablespoons cold water. It should be cold, not hot or lukewarm. The mixture should be transferred to a cup. Cover half the cup with boiling water. This mixture can be painted on the window pane using a brush. This glue will keep it all together.

    Next, carefully apply the lace to the window. Once you are satisfied with the placement of the fabric, apply another layer of glue to the surface. Be sure to brush from the middle to the corners and cover the entire area. Be sure to pay attention to corners and make sure that strokes are invisible .

  • Next, carefully apply the lace to the window. Once you are satisfied with the placement of the fabric, apply another layer of glue to the surface. Be sure to brush from the middle to the corners and cover the entire area. Make sure to pay attention to corners so that strokes aren’t obvious.