These adorable mini cows make great pets

American Pet Products Association conducted a 2017-2018 National Pet Owner Survey. It found that 85 million American families own a pet. People love pets.

The same survey also revealed that the United States has 88 million cats and 74 million dogs. It also found that 16 million birds and 10 million small animals are owned. Popular pets include chickens, horses, pigs and horses. People also want to have the following pets:

The mini cow

The Lovable Little Ones from Colorado says that mini cows make great pets and are very affectionate. They are also easy to care for.

Although cows can be considered animals that have a similar mindset based on gazing and mooing, their personalities are different. Rosamund Young, a farmer believes that all cows are unique. He also said that cows can be bossy, shy, sweet, and difficult to teach.

Mini cows are different from cats and dogs, so it is important to be aware of this before you adopt one. Mini cows are quite large, i.e. About one-third to one-half the size of a standard cow. These cows can be kept for milk products or meat. These cows generally produce approximately 1 gallon of milk each milking.


The advantages of having a mini-cow

Mini cows require 25-30% less food than regular ones. Mini cows poop less because they consume less food than regular cows.

Mini cows are kept by farmers as meat livestock. This is because a mini cow can provide enough food for four families for a few months. Mini cows can also be kept as therapy animals, because they are gentle with children.

Mini cows come in many breeds. According to Big Picture Agriculture there are 26 types of mini cows.


Disadvantages of keeping a mini cow

Mini cows have their disadvantages. Each town has its own livestock laws and some places prohibit the keeping of a cow. Mini cows are also difficult to find, even if you’re a farmer. They are about $1800.

Safety should also be considered when keeping a mini-cow as a pet. Mini cows can sometimes be unpredictable because they are small in size.