Here are the effects of smudging on you and your home

We’re sorry if this is your first encounter with smudging. It is a small ceremony that purifies the space and stimulates positive energy.

Native Americans have been practicing smudging for hundreds of years, but it is now considered a lost art.

Smudging refers to the practice of lighting sage or other herbs and then wafting the smoke throughout your home or work space. Smudging is said to purify the atmosphere and remove negative energy. People use smudging to protect their homes against evil spirits and ghosts.


What does smudging actually do? Scientific evidence shows that smudging can clean the air and remove harmful bacteria. In the sense that it purifies one’s body by taking an aromatic smoke bath, it is similar to washing your hands before eating.

Smudging is a great way to bring life into your home and get rid of negative energy. You might be surprised to find out that it can work wonders for you!

smudge stick in a bowlHow to smudge and why

It is a simple principle to cleanse and purify a space using the smoke of a bundle of herbs. Smudging is a process that uses sage, but you can add other herbs such as lavender or palo Santo to the mix. Light the smudge stick and let it smolder for a while, creating a thick stream smoke. The smoke is then exhaled through your fingers or with a feather. The smoke is believed to cleanse the room and absorb any negative energy as it moves around the space. As you move about the space, take your time and inhale deeply.

It is important that you open a window after smudging to let fresh air in and complete the cleansing process.


Negative ions are produced by smudging, which can actually improve your mood and provide a variety of benefits. Air is full of both positive and negative ions. Ions are atoms with a charge. They can have lost or gained electrons.

Electronic devices like TVs and computers can create positive ions, which can have negative effects on energy and mood. Nature creates negative ions. They are thought to have positive effects and can improve our mood and health.

Negative ions, when present in sufficient concentrations, can remove harmful particles such as pollen, viruses, bacteria and spores from the air. These ions attach themselves to positively charged allergens and make them too heavy to remain airborne. They can either fall to the ground, or attach to nearby surfaces like walls or objects. This eliminates them from your air and prevents you from getting sick.


This is similar to taking a refreshing shower or spending time in the mountains. It also has a relaxing effect. The smoke from burning herbs helps to remove negative energy and gives you a feeling of well-being. Smudging has many cleansing benefits, but it also has a pleasant smell that can help reduce stress levels.

woman smudging with candle7 reasons to smudge your bedroom today


In addition to purifying the air, smudging has many positive effects.

You can improve your mental focus and sense of well-being.

Smudging is a natural antidepressant that neutralizes the negative effects caused by abnormally high levels of positive ions.

Clearing out negative energy

Smoke purifies air and energy through changing its molecular structure.

Smudging can be a great way to reduce anxiety, fear and anger.


Allergy symptoms are decreasing.

Smudging is a method that removes allergens from the air.

Cleaning the objects.

To cleanse a space and to remove objects, smudging can be used.

A smudgestick is an excellent tool to purge your home of any negative energy. A smudgestick is a great tool to purge your home of negative energy when you bring in a new item, particularly an antique or an old thing.


Relaxing effects

Studies have shown that smudging can reduce blood pressure, stress and tension, as well as relax the body. It can also normalize your breathing rate.

Increased physical energy

Studies show that negative ions can cause serotonin levels to rise, which can lead to improved mood, focus and outlook.

Improve sleep quality

According to Italian research, negative ions may help people sleep better and relax. They could also help in the production and maintenance of serotonin.


These are some of the most effective herbs for smudging

There are many types of smudge stick available. To make your own smudge stick based on a goal, you can use any combination of the following:

  • lavender – calming effect
  • sage – clears negative energy
  • peppermint-protection/healing
  • juniper – cleansing / purification
  • chamomile – protection / purification
  • balsam Fir –cleansing/purification
  • mugwort – lucid dreaming / calming / purification
  • protection – rosemary
  • holy basil (tulsi) – purification / calming
  • Rose petals –meditation/calming/attracting love
  • pine needles – cleansing / purification
  • yarrow-eliminates toxic substances from the body
  • lemon balm – spiritual cleansing
  • calendula – love / constancy
  • dill-protection/luck / money/lust

Rosemary and sage are my favorite combination. They provide both protection and cleansing. This is the combination that I used to make these homemade smudge stick recipes.

Making a smudgestick

For a decorative touch, arrange several sprigs with herbs in a row. Because it will shrink in volume once it is dry, it should be thick. Bind the bottom of your bundle with a double knot. Wrap the herb bundle securely with thread. Secure it. Tie a double knot at the top.


Allow the bundles to dry for several days. Before you can burn them, they must be completely dried.

Tips and techniques for smudging

Before you smudging, meditate for a few moments to ensure your energy is balanced.

Before you start, open a window to allow for ventilation. Next, lay the herb bundle on a heat- and flame-resistant surface. Allow the flame to smolder by gently blowing out the flame.

Once you have a sufficient amount of smoke, take your hand or feather and guide it over your body. Start at your feet, and work your way up to the top. Keep your breath in check as you go. Smudging can be very relaxing so enjoy it!

Closed spaces such as cabinets and closets should be cleaned by opening the doors and smudging the interior.

All areas should be smudged, including the basement and garage. You want to force all negative energy out of your home, from every entrance to the main entrance. This should feel like chasing a fly from your front door.

What time should I smudge my skin?

The simple answer is that you can do it whenever you like.

Negative energy can be absorbed even though you are not aware. This could lead to restlessness, headaches, arguments or disputes, as well as unwelcome visitors. These are all great occasions to use your smudge package.

It’s a great time to move into a new home or bring in a new item into your living area.

Let’s cut to the chase: Choose your herbs and then enjoy!