5 Narcissistic Love Patterns to Watch Out For in a Relationship: How to Spot a Narcissist

Narcissism, a psychological disorder often misunderstood, is a common mental disorder. This can manifest as grandiose behavior and selfishness. It can sometimes be difficult to spot a narcissistic partner before it is too late. Here are five narcissistic love habits to help you identify a narcissist.



Pattern 1: They are Charming and Charismatic.

When you meet a narcissist, they are often charming and charismatic. Narcissists can appear confident and even overly confident to others, which can make them attractive. Although this charm may initially seem appealing, remember that narcissists are driven to achieve their goals, often at the expense or inconvenience of others.

Pattern 2: They have a fluid self-esteem

While a narcissist might appear to have high self-esteem, deep down their self-esteem is very low. They may seek out validation from others to improve their self-esteem. It is common for a narcissist become jealous of attention from others or to not receive enough affirmations or compliments about their worthiness.

Pattern 3: They play mind games

Narcissists are known for playing mind games on their partners to get them to do things that benefit their own agenda. They may resort to guilt trips and gaslighting to make their partner feel less or unworthy, so they will do what the narcissist asks them to.

Pattern 4: They are very self-centered

Narcissists, who are known for being selfish, place their needs above all others, even their partner’s. They often treat other people as disposable objects, rather than as persons worthy of compassion and respect. Narcissistic partners often take advantage of others without feeling any regret.

Pattern 5: They are controlling and jealous

Narcissists are known for controlling behavior, such as trying to control their partner’s lives or dictating how they should behave in public. A narcissistic partner might also become jealous due to the low self-esteem mentioned above.

It can be hard to identify if your romantic partner is prone to narcissistic tendencies. However, it is important to do so in order not further emotional damage. You can identify potential danger signs and take the necessary steps to end an unhealthy relationship by looking for these five narcissistic love styles.