Six Habits that dramatically increase your chances of Divorce

The institution of marriage has been around for centuries. It celebrates the union of two people through a lifetime commitment. While we all have strengths and weaknesses and every marriage will experience moments of difficulties, researchers from the Gottman Institute discovered certain relationships habits and behaviors that could increase the likelihood of divorcing. Divorce is a stressful and difficult experience for both the person involved and their loved ones. This is a very emotional process that can be stressful for all involved. There are many details that need to be negotiated and agreed upon. It is not without its difficulties and problems. The Gottman lab began systematic observation of couples in the 1970s.

Psychology was struggling to establish predictable patterns of behavior for individuals at this point. Psychologists should avoid studying couples because of the possibility that unreliability in one study could be magnified by two. When Dr. Gottman found the regularity between couples over time, this advice was proved wrong.

As part of his research series Dr. Gottman created observational coding systems together with colleagues and used new methods to study interaction sequences. A “talk table”, which allows them to assess the positive and negative intentions as well as the impacts of messages between partners, was created.

Certain behaviors and habits can increase your chances of getting divorced.

Neglecting your partner

Neglecting your spouse is one of the main causes of divorce. It can cause a breakdown of trust and communication which can lead to further distance between the couples. Research has shown that couples who don’t communicate or engage in activities together more often are at greater risk of getting divorced. There are many factors that can lead to this lack of connection. For example, a couple may spend too much time on work or other interests. They also fail to make an effort to maintain relationships outside of marriage. These issues can lead to the end of the marriage if they are not addressed.

Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations are a major cause of divorce. It can lead to distrust and breakdown of communication between the partners. Research has shown that couples who have unreasonable expectations of each other are more likely than those who understand that not all people can fulfill their needs.


Inadequate communication before marriage can lead to unrealistic expectations. For example, you may not know how your partner behaves in a relationship and what their values are. Sometimes, unreasonable expectations can also arise when one or both of the partners assume that the relationship will remain the same. This often leads to disappointment when things change. Sometimes, unrealistic expectations can lead to irreparable harm to a marriage and even its dissolution.

Insecurity and trust are not allowed to grow.

Talking openly about your feelings and doubts can cause resentment between the partners. These issues can lead to distrust and a lack of security in a relationship. It is more difficult for couples not to communicate openly and have mutual understanding. This is crucial for a strong marriage.


It can also be difficult for a partner to feel secure in a relationship if they harbor doubts or insecurity. This leads to a greater likelihood of divorce.

Not setting boundaries

A relationship can suffer if it fails to set boundaries and sticks to them. It can lead to tension between partners if they don’t agree on what behavior, communication or expectations are acceptable. This could cause them to feel disconnected and unfulfilled because of lack of mutual respect.

External influences can also lead to arguments and resentment. One partner might feel that their opinion is not important or valuable to the other. Focusing on outside forces and not considering how each partner would be best served leads to unhealthy dynamics and higher chances of divorce.


Insufficient commitment

Lack of commitment can lead to a breakup. A growing distance between you and your partner can be caused by a lack of commitment. It is easy to take shortcuts or not address issues, which can lead to a growing distance between you and your partner. Soon, it will be much harder for you to reconnect and rekindle the spark that was there. It is almost impossible to get back on track without the commitment of both parties.


Four horsemen of Apocalypse

According to Dr. John Gottman the four horsemen that are associated with relationship conflict can be viewed as indicators of the end of a marriage. These four horsemen are often referred to as criticisms, defensiveness and stonewalling. They can be powerful indicators that a relationship may be in trouble. If these behaviors are not addressed, they can cause more conflict between the partners and further divisions. The only way to make things better is to address and rectify these negative patterns now, before it’s too late.

These are the 4 horsemen:


Criticism – One partner may feel inferior if they are constantly being criticised.

Defensiveness: Excessive defensiveness can cause arguments to stop before either party has had the chance to express themselves or come up with a solution.

Stonewalling: Ignoring your partner while they try to communicate their needs creates a gap between you.

Disrespect – It is almost certain that expressing disrespect for another person’s feelings or belittling them will cause irreparable harm over time.


What is the average divorce rate?

Divorce can be a very difficult and emotional experience that affects whole families. It’s not surprising that divorce rates are on the rise in many countries. Nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Since 1950s, when only 10-20% of marriages ended with divorce, this number has steadily increased. Divorce is becoming more common due to factors like changing social norms and dual-income households. Incompatibility and financial strain are frequently cited as reasons for a marriage’s breakdown. No matter what the reason, divorce is becoming more common. It can have devastating effects on intertwined communities all over the globe.


How to deal with a divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and stressful experience. You can make positive changes in your life by navigating divorce in a constructive and healthy way. These are steps to help you cope with divorce pain.

    1. Accept your feelings. – Don’t be afraid to let out all emotions without judgment or fear. Recognize and process your emotions, even if they are uncomfortable. This will help you heal and move on.
    2. Get connected with others. – Make sure you surround yourself with people who are supportive of your feelings and will listen to you without judgment or giving advice unless asked. Talking about your feelings and thoughts can help you feel better and provide comfort in difficult times.
      1. Search for support networks. These can be great resources to help you get through the transition to being single again.
      2. Take care – Getting back to your hobbies and activities can bring you joy and balance again. Do whatever you can to relax and take care your mental health during this stressful time.
      3. Keep your eyes on the future. Although it may seem impossible now, most people eventually heal from divorce. You will eventually find peace again. Focus on the possibilities for the future and not the past or regrettable feelings that were associated with divorce.


It’s possible to fix your relationship if you notice any of these signs. These tips can help you create a fulfilling relationship by changing your behavior. These are the key steps you can take to create a happier and healthier relationship.


    1. Identify and fix any negative patterns.
    2. Express your needs clearly Ensure that both parties are heard and respected by having honest and open conversations about the needs of each other in order to make the relationship thrive.

      1. Self-care It is important to take time for yourself in order to maintain emotional balance, develop greater empathy, understand, and be able listen to your partner and offer support.
      2. Communicate actively — Work with your partner to establish goals, find solutions, make mistakes, and manage stress or conflict in a healthy manner through active dialogue, not passive-aggressive behavior.
      3. Create win/win situations – Rather than trying to get your way, focus on creating mutually-beneficial solutions. This can foster a culture of cooperation instead of competition.

      You will be able to build a strong relationship between you and your partner if you are able to recognize negative patterns, communicate openly, actively, communicate, take care of yourself as individuals and work together for mutual benefit.