Amazing Effects of Burning Bay Leaves on Your Home

If you are like most people, bay leaves may not bring back much more than a few old, dusty leaves that have been sitting in your spice cupboard for years. What if I told ya that the same bay leaves can do amazing things for your home? Burning bay leaves can have a variety of benefits, including repelling pests and reducing stress levels. Continue reading to discover more about this household staple.

These are just a few amazing things burning bay leaves can do to your home and you:

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The oil in bay leaves is called eugenol. It has been proven to have sedative and calming effects. To help calm anxiety and stress, you can burn a few bay leaves at home.

Increase your Immunity

Bay leaves are high in antioxidants which can boost your immune system. To revive your energy and make a hot, steamy infusion, boil some water with bay leaves.

Repel Insects

No one likes to deal with bugs in their house! Bay leaves are a great way to repel them. The smell of Eugenol is a deterrent to mosquitoes and other insects. Burning bay leaves is an easy, natural way to make your home pest-free.

Diabetes Management

A study published in the US National Library of Medicine found that bay leaves may help manage diabetes. A study showed that bay leaves can help to lower blood sugar and insulin levels. Bay leaves are high in antioxidants that can protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. They are also rich in compounds that can help promote insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of developing diabetes complications. Bay leaves can be incorporated into your diet to help improve blood sugar control and decrease the risk of complications.

Prevent Insomnia

Burning bay leaves can help you sleep better if you have trouble falling asleep. Bay leaves have compounds that promote relaxation, calmness, and their sweet scent can help you fall asleep.

Stay Safe

Although there are many benefits to burning bay leaves, safety is a key consideration. Bay leaves should only ever be burnt in well-ventilated areas. Smoke should not be inhaled. Bay leaves should not be left burning unattended as they can cause fire hazards. You can enjoy the safety and benefits of burning bay leaves at home by following these simple steps.


There you have it! Bay leaves can be used as more than a decorative addition to your spice cupboard. Burn some bay leaves next time you feel anxious or stressed. Make sure you pick up some bay leaves next time you go to the grocery store. You’ll be a blessing to your body, mind, and home.